Document Number





Programming Language C++


Library Evolution Working Group


This paper proposes that std::error_category comparisons should rely on unique 64 bit identifiers, instead of requiring unique addresses for the category objects.


This paper proposes the addition of an optional 64 bit identifier to error_category, such that two instances of the same category may compare equal. When a category does not have an identifier, the comparison reverts to address-based, retaining backward compatibility.


In the presence of dynamic libraries without global symbol visibility, it’s hard to guarantee that category objects are unique. Implementations are already known to use a technique similar to the one suggested here to make copies of the standard generic and system categories compare equal even when their addresses do not match. This is currently non-conforming, but it’s more useful than the behavior the standard mandates.

In addition, relying on address-based comparisons makes it impossible to declare category objects constexpr and makes it impossible to declare operator< constexpr.

Switching to unique category identifiers solves both problems.

Design Rationale

The choice of 64 bits for the identifier is motivated by the desire to make it possible for programmers to define their own categories without a central authority allocating identifiers. Collisions between 64 bit random numbers are rare enough.

The identifiers of the standard generic and system categories have been specified to help portability and reproducibility.

error_category::operator== compares rhs.id_ to 0, instead of this->id_, under the assumption that in category comparisons, it’s more likely for the right hand side to be a known constant, allowing for the check to be performed at compile time.

error_code::operator== and error_condition::operator== are changed to compare the values first, as comparing the values is cheaper than comparing the categories (requiring an identifier to be fetched through the category pointer.)


The proposed changes have been implemented in Boost.System and are presently on its develop branch. If all goes well, they will ship in Boost 1.69.

One difference between Boost.System and the proposed text is that the destructor of boost::system::error_category has been made protected and nonvirtual, enabling category types to be literal and consequently enabling constexpr category objects. This is expected to be unnecessary for C++20 if P1077R0 (or an equivalent) is accepted.

Proposed Changes

(All edits are relative to N4762 with P1195R0 applied.)

Change [system_error.syn] as follows:

  • // 18.5.5, comparison functions
    constexpr bool operator==(const error_code& lhs, const error_code& rhs) noexcept;
    constexpr bool operator==(const error_code& lhs, const error_condition& rhs) noexcept;
    constexpr bool operator==(const error_condition& lhs, const error_code& rhs) noexcept;
    constexpr bool operator==(const error_condition& lhs, const error_condition& rhs) noexcept;
    constexpr bool operator!=(const error_code& lhs, const error_code& rhs) noexcept;
    constexpr bool operator!=(const error_code& lhs, const error_condition& rhs) noexcept;
    constexpr bool operator!=(const error_condition& lhs, const error_code& rhs) noexcept;
    constexpr bool operator!=(const error_condition& lhs, const error_condition& rhs) noexcept;
    constexpr bool operator< (const error_code& lhs, const error_code& rhs) noexcept;
    constexpr bool operator< (const error_condition& lhs, const error_condition& rhs) noexcept;

Change [syserr.errcat.overview] as follows:

  • namespace std {
      class error_category {
        uint64_t id_ = 0; // exposition only
        explicit constexpr error_category(uint64_t id) noexcept;
        constexpr error_category() noexcept = default();
        virtual ~error_category() = default();
        error_category& operator=(const error_category&) = delete;
        virtual const char* name() const noexcept = 0;
        constexpr virtual error_condition default_error_condition(int ev) const noexcept;
        constexpr virtual bool equivalent(int code, const error_condition& condition)
          const noexcept;
        constexpr virtual bool equivalent(const error_code& code, int condition) const noexcept;
        virtual string message(int ev) const = 0;
        constexpr bool operator==(const error_category& rhs) const noexcept;
        constexpr bool operator!=(const error_category& rhs) const noexcept;
        constexpr bool operator< (const error_category& rhs) const noexcept;
      constexpr const error_category& generic_category() noexcept;
      constexpr const error_category& system_category() noexcept;

Change [syserr.errcat.nonvirtuals] as follows:

  • constexpr error_category() noexcept;

    Constructs an object of class error_category.

    explicit constexpr error_category(uint64_t id) noexcept;

    Initializes id_ to id.

    constexpr bool operator==(const error_category& rhs) const noexcept;

    this == &rhs rhs.id_ == 0? this == &rhs: id_ == rhs.id_.

    constexpr bool operator<(const error_category& rhs) const noexcept;

    less<const error_category*>()(this, &rhs) As if:

    if(id_ < rhs.id_)
      return true;
    if(id_ > rhs.id_)
      return false;
    if(rhs.id_ != 0)
      return false; // equal
    return less<const error_category*>()(this, &rhs);

Change [syserr.errcat.objects] as follows:

  • Remarks:

    The object’s default_error_condition and equivalent virtual functions shall behave as specified for the class error_category. The object’s name virtual function shall return a pointer to the string "generic". The object’s error_category::id_ subobject shall be 0xB2AB117A257EDF0D.


    The object’s equivalent virtual functions shall behave as specified for class error_category. The object’s name virtual function shall return a pointer to the string "system". The object’s error_category::id_ subobject shall be 0x8FAFD21E25C5E09B. The object’s default_error_condition virtual function shall behave as follows:

Change [] as follows:

  • constexpr bool operator==(const error_code& lhs, const error_code& rhs) noexcept;

    lhs.category() == rhs.category() && lhs.value() == rhs.value() lhs.value() == rhs.value() && lhs.category() == rhs.category().

    constexpr bool operator==(const error_condition& lhs, const error_condition& rhs) noexcept;

    lhs.category() == rhs.category() && lhs.value() == rhs.value() lhs.value() == rhs.value() && lhs.category() == rhs.category().

    constexpr bool operator<(const error_code& lhs, const error_code& rhs) noexcept;
    constexpr bool operator<(const error_condition& lhs, const error_condition& rhs) noexcept;

ABI Implications

The proposed addition of a 64 bit data member to error_category unfortunately constitutes an ABI break.

One possible way to implement it is by adding a magic signature in front of the new id_ member:

class error_category

    uint32_t magic_ = 0xbe5da313;
    uint32_t version_ = 1;

    uint64_t id_ = 0;

    // ...

and then, before accessing id_, check whether magic_ has the value of 0xbe5da313 and whether version_ is positive and smaller than some sufficient upper limit.

This has the additional benefit of enabling further error_category ABI evolution, realized by increasing version_ on each ABI change.

-- end