Implementing visit_by_index

When manipulating variants, one often needs to perform different actions depending on the type in the variant. For example, when a std::variant<int, float> contains an int x, we want to perform

std::printf( "int: %d\n", x );

but in the case it contains a float x, we want

std::printf( "float: %f\n", x );

One way to do this is to define an appropriate function object

struct V
    void operator()(int x) const
        std::printf( "int: %d\n", x );

    void operator()(float x) const
        std::printf( "float: %f\n", x );

and then call std::visit with it:

void f( std::variant<int, float> const & v )
    std::visit( V(), v );

This works, but having to define a dedicated function object is not as convenient as just using a lambda. Lambdas, however, can’t have more than one operator().

One solution that has been suggested is to have an overload function that, when passed several lambdas, creates a composite function object with an overloaded operator() out of its arguments.

However, this doesn’t strike me as very elegant. We combine our several actions into one, pass it to std::visit, which then needs to undo this composition in order to call the right overload depending on the containing type.

How about we throw all this composition and decomposition away and just define a visitation function that takes the lambdas directly, and invokes the correct one based on the containing type? Or better yet, based on the variant index, so that we no longer need to depend on the types being unique?

template<class V, class... F> void visit_by_index( V&& v, F&&... f );

// Effects: if v.index() is I, calls the I-th f with get<I>(v).

This would allow us to just do

void f( std::variant<int, float> const & v )
    visit_by_index( v,

        [](int x)
            std::printf( "int: %d\n", x );

        [](float x)
            std::printf( "float: %f\n", x );

Is visit_by_index a one liner using Mp11?

template<class V, class... F> void visit_by_index( V&& v, F&&... f )
    constexpr auto N = std::variant_size<
        std::remove_reference_t<V> >::value;

    boost::mp11::mp_with_index<N>( v.index(), [&]( auto I )
      std::tuple<F&&...> tp( std::forward<F>(f)... );
      std::get<I>(std::move(tp))( std::get<I>(std::forward<V>(v)) );
    } );

Almost, at least in its initial iteration. To make this more suitable for production use, we need to handle the valueless_by_exception() case, and check that the number of function objects matches the number of variant alternatives:

template<class V, class... F> void visit_by_index( V&& v, F&&... f )
    if( v.valueless_by_exception() )
        throw std::bad_variant_access();

    constexpr auto N = std::variant_size<
        std::remove_reference_t<V> >::value;

    static_assert( N == sizeof...(F),
        "Incorrect number of function objects" );

    boost::mp11::mp_with_index<N>( v.index(), [&]( auto I )
      std::tuple<F&&...> tp( std::forward<F>(f)... );
      std::get<I>(std::move(tp))( std::get<I>(std::forward<V>(v)) );
    } );

How does this work?

mp_with_index<N>(i, f) (which requires i to be between 0 and N-1 inclusive) calls f with std::integral_constant<std::size_t, i> (by generating a big switch over the possible values of i.)

f in our case is a lambda object of the form [&](auto I){ ... }, so I gets to be a variable of type std::integral_constant<std::size_t, i>.

Since std::integral_constant<T, K> has a constexpr conversion operator to T returning K, we can use I in places where a constant expression of type size_t is expected, such as std::get<I>.

std::tuple<F&&...> tp( std::forward<F>(f)... ); creates a tuple referencing the function objects passed as arguments. std::get<I>(std::move(tp)) returns the I-th one of them, properly forwarded.

std::get<I>(std::forward<V>(v)), since I is v.index(), returns a reference to the type contained into v, again properly forwarded. Therefore, std::get<I>(std::move(tp))( std::get<I>(std::forward<V>(v)) ); calls the correct function object with the correct argument. QED.